Since foundation one of the school’s core aims has been to create an environment which promotes a love of learning and fosters the highest standards of academic achievement for all students.
The school aims to nurture a learning community where students are challenged, supported and nurtured so that they achieve the high expectations to which they aspire.
A deep commitment to the importance of student wellbeing has been another hallmark of the school’s core aims since its earliest days. The school recognises that learning and achievement can flourish in an environment where students feel comfortable, safe and where they are each recognised and valued as individuals.
The school is committed to developing well balanced young women and men of character who can make a positive contribution to society at a local and international level.
Goulburn Valley Grammar School enables all students to make a positive contribution to our changing and challenging world through their skills, knowledge, values, confidence and commitment to excellence.
Our Moral Purpose
We aim to improve the lives of our students through learning. Our school is a learning community where student learning and achievement is at the centre of all that we do. We believe that every student has the ability to learn and grow and we have high expectations of all students. While we are proud of our identity as a regional school, we strive to offer our students the best possible learning opportunities at the state and national level.
We believe in the value of co-education, reflecting the belief that girls and boys should have equal access to educational and social opportunities. This belief recognises the importance of the social dimension of learning. It values boys and girls learning and growing up side by side gaining a better understanding of one another’s differences and similarities. We recognise the importance of role models and the need to challenge inappropriate stereotypes.
Open Entry
The school policy is that all students are welcome to the school regardless of gender, religion and ethnicity. Applications are considered subject to the student’s capacity to participate in and derive substantial benefit from the school’s educational programme.
We believe that our school community should strive to be an example of the kind of national and global community we would like to see in the future.
We believe in the basic tenets of the Christian faith as the basis of the values the school holds to be important. We celebrate the major Christian festivals each year. Goulburn Valley Grammar School is not allied to any one denomination of the Christian faith. We see diversity of our student population as one of our strengths.
Democratic Principles
Goulburn Valley Grammar School is committed to providing an environment which adheres to and promotes the principles and practice of Australian democracy, including
- accepting governments that are duly elected;
- the rule of law;
- the equal rights of all before the law;
- freedom of religion;
- freedom of speech and association; and
- the values of openness and tolerance