Our staff are committed to the school’s vision and values. They are highly skilled and passionate about teaching and learning and are committed to continuing to grow and develop as professionals.
Our staff seek to improve the quality of life of young people through providing powerful learning experiences.
Our school motto Semper Ulterius asks students to strive always further. This motto is equally relevant for our staff. We therefore have a professional commitment for all staff to continuous improvement in their professional performance.
Since foundation the school has identified student learning and achievement as a key priority. As professionals, teachers are obligated to ensure that we use our understanding of evidence based research to improve the learning of all our students. The school has therefore committed to a long term strategic priority of striving to continuously improve the effectiveness of teaching and thereby, student learning and achievement.
We have a school with abundant high quality teaching; however, as professionals, we have an ethical obligation to reflect on and improve the effectiveness of our teaching. This involves a commitment to an ongoing cycle of building professional knowledge, gathering feedback on practice and implementing appropriate strategies to improve effectiveness.
Our school is a professionally rewarding and stimulating environment featuring extensive collaboration and professional learning. The school supports this aspiration through extensive and generous opportunities for professional learning both internally and externally.