The Arts are valued a critical part of student development.
Visual Arts
Through the visual arts students explore and develop their creativity, imagination and inventiveness. Visual Art is a compulsory study for students at Years 5 to 7. Beyond these years Visual Art is available as an elective through to VCE level. Major events which celebrate the Visual Arts include the House Eisteddfod, Annual Productions and Art Shows.
Performing Arts
The annual House Eisteddfod is a celebration of the performing arts with the whole school participating. The annual School Productions are a key fixture in the schools’ programme. Students choose to be involved in acting, singing, dance and the many opportunities backstage including make-up, costume, sets and props.
Public speaking
Skill and confidence in public speaking is greatly valued at the school. Diverse opportunities are provided for students to develop as public speakers. The regular Prefect speeches at Friday assembly are celebrations of public speaking and offer a powerful example to students and staff about the inspirational capacity of young people. Students may choose to participate in individual public speaking tuition through the Voice and Communication Programme. The annual Voice and Communication evening, Creative Words, is an opportunity for students to demonstrate their learning and progress.