Goulburn Valley Grammar School offers the following scholarship options
- Academic Scholarships
- General Excellence Scholarships
- GVGS Foundation – Social Justice – Aboriginal Scholarship
- GVGS Foundation – Social Justice – Refugee Scholarship
- GVGS Foundation – Social Justice Access Scholarship
How to apply for a Scholarship Information
Academic Scholarships 2026
Scholarship applications for 2026 entry may be made from December 2024. Academic scholarships are available for entry to Year 5, 7, 10, 11 2026.
Goulburn Valley Grammar School scholarship examinations are conducted by EduTest Australia. Registration and payment for Academic Scholarships can only be made online.
Registration for Academic Scholarships closes on Friday 14th March 2025.
Examinations will be held on Saturday 22nd March 2025.
The following information should be noted:
- Please read carefully the ‘Scholarship and Entrance Testing Information’ on the EduTest Website
- A fee of $90.00 (incl. GST) is required for each application and payment is required at the completion of the on-line registration process. A late fee surcharge will be charged for applications received after the closing date.
Examinations will be held at Goulburn Valley Grammar School, 455 Verney Road, Shepparton on Saturday 22nd March 2025. Students that have applied to sit the examination will be notified of the arrangements for the day, one week prior to the examination date.
It is anticipated that results will be shared with applicants in June 2025. The School will provide Scholarship candidates with a report produced by EduTest with general information about their performance. EduTest has indicated that actual scores (or order of merit) must not be communicated to parents. This is a condition of entering students to this examination.
Apply online
Applicants must apply online through the following link:
Danielle Cassidy – Registrar
P: (03) 5833 3300