The 2021 GVGS Senior Production ‘Return to the Stage’ debuted to a strong first-night audience on May 20. Return to the Stage was a revue-style production that included compositions from productions such as Guys and Dolls, Singing in the Rain, Moulin Rouge and Matilda. Performances included chorus, small group and solo singing. The quality of vocal performance really highlighted the hard work that students have given to rehearsals in the months leading up to the production.
The revue-style production included a minimalist set design with a focus on lighting, costumes, makeup and props to set the scene. This approach accentuated the student performances and allowed the audience to be transported and moved by each piece. The excellent dance sequences and choreography for each item were also a highlight.
Director Mrs Janke praised the cast of over 35 students for their collective effort and positive approach throughout the rehearsal phase of the production.