School Camps
Year 5 – The students participate in an immersive history themed camp at Sovereign Hill.
Year 6 – The Narmbool camp provides students with an environmental sustainability focussed learning experience.
Year 7 – The Anglesea camp provides new and continuing students with an opportunity to broaden friendships across the year level through participating in a range of adventure and initiative activities. The camp provides many opportunities for staff and students to interact as a year level in a spirit of fun and cooperation.
Year 8 – The Merricks camp is predominately water-based. Activities take place around both Western Port and Port Phillip Bays and include sailing, snorkelling and bodyboarding.
Year 9 – During Urban Experience students undertake a two-week programme in Melbourne. The core aim has always been to ensure students have the confidence and aspiration at the end of their school days to relocate from home and commence further study in another city. While the post school transition process is challenging, students are far more confident and successful when they have experienced a degree of independence in a large urban environment and understand some of the vast opportunities that exist.
Year 10 – The Bogong High Plains walk is a defining experience for our students. In small groups students work as a team to plan, navigate and complete a journey across some of the most remarkable landscapes in Australia. Students experience the rugged and pristine wilderness environment of the Victorian Alpine area. The camp curriculum includes both Geography content knowledge and personal and social capabilities.
Year 12 – Leadership Camp. Year 12 students and tutors participate in a learning and leadership camp at the commencement of the academic year. The camp is traditionally held at a residential College at The University of Melbourne, Parkville.